Island Reserve

Island Reserve

Collateral Management & Fully-backed Stable token

  • 💪 My DAI0
  • 💲 My iDAI0
  • 💸 My iBOND0
  • 🔒 My Staked iBOND0
  • 💲 My Earnings (iDAI)0
  • 👌 Estimated APR0%
  • ⏳ Total Staked iBOND0

Island Reserve is a specialized contract which controls the backing, creation and redemption of iBOND. iBOND costs 1 DAI to mint, and awards 0.9 DAI when redeemed. iBOND can be paired with various tokens or used in ecosystems relevant to Function Island.

There is 0 iDAI available to earn for staking iBOND.
Buy iDAI
DAI Amount: Enter an amount of DAI to buy iDAI with.
My Balance: 0 DAIOne DAI = 0
Sell iDAI
iDAI Amount: Enter an amount of iDAI to sell for DAI.
My Balance: 0 iDAIOne iDAI: 0
Reserve Stats

  • ⚠ Bad Debts0
  • 🌌 Emission Rate0
  • 💸 Surplus0
  • 💰 Withdrawable0
  • 💪 iBOND Supply0
  • 💲 iDAI Supply0
  • ⏳ Pending iDAI0
  • 🏦 Total Funds0
Please do your own research before using this application. To the greatest extent possible, Function Island has been implemented to be accessible directly on-chain without a user interface. This website and associated APIs have been provided for convenience. Ultimately you are interacting with no other party other than the blockchain itself and are 100% responsible for your transactions. The Function Island community is a decentralized autonomous organization and is never liable for losses that happen using this user interface.